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This commit is contained in:
Oleksii Trekhleb 2018-07-13 14:31:23 +03:00
parent 9f8fd33202
commit 52918eea94
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -102,8 +102,9 @@ a set of rules that precisely define a sequence of operations.
* `B` [Depth-First Search](src/algorithms/graph/depth-first-search) (DFS)
* `B` [Breadth-First Search](src/algorithms/graph/breadth-first-search) (BFS)
* `B` [Kruskals Algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/kruskal) - finding Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for weighted undirected graph
* `A` [Dijkstra Algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/dijkstra) - finding shortest path to all graph vertices
* `A` [Bellman-Ford Algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/bellman-ford) - finding shortest path to all graph vertices
* `A` [Dijkstra Algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/dijkstra) - finding shortest paths to all graph vertices from single vertex
* `A` [Bellman-Ford Algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/bellman-ford) - finding shortest paths to all graph vertices from single vertex
* `A` [Floyd-Warshall Algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/floyd-warshall) - find shortest paths between all pairs of vertices
* `A` [Detect Cycle](src/algorithms/graph/detect-cycle) - for both directed and undirected graphs (DFS and Disjoint Set based versions)
* `A` [Prims Algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/prim) - finding Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for weighted undirected graph
* `A` [Topological Sorting](src/algorithms/graph/topological-sorting) - DFS method
@ -113,7 +114,6 @@ a set of rules that precisely define a sequence of operations.
* `A` [Hamiltonian Cycle](src/algorithms/graph/hamiltonian-cycle) - Visit every vertex exactly once
* `A` [Strongly Connected Components](src/algorithms/graph/strongly-connected-components) - Kosaraju's algorithm
* `A` [Travelling Salesman Problem](src/algorithms/graph/travelling-salesman) - shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city
* `A` [Floyd-Warshall algorithm](src/algorithms/graph/floyd-warshall) - a single execution of the algorithm will find the lengths (summed weights) of shortest paths between all pairs of vertices
* **Uncategorized**
* `B` [Tower of Hanoi](src/algorithms/uncategorized/hanoi-tower)
* `B` [Square Matrix Rotation](src/algorithms/uncategorized/square-matrix-rotation) - in-place algorithm

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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ _Read this in other languages:_
* **動態編程** - build up to a solution using previously found sub-solutions
* [費伯納西數列](src/algorithms/math/fibonacci)
* [萊溫斯坦距離](src/algorithms/string/levenshtein-distance) - minimum edit distance between two sequences
* [最長共同子序列](src/algorithms/sets/longest-common-subsequnce) (LCS)
* [最長共同子序列](src/algorithms/sets/longest-common-subsequence) (LCS)
* [最長共同子字串](src/algorithms/string/longest-common-substring)
* [最長遞增子序列](src/algorithms/sets/longest-increasing-subsequence)
* [最短共同子序列](src/algorithms/sets/shortest-common-supersequence)