diff --git a/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/README.md b/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/README.md
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+# Discrete Fourier transform
+The Discrete Fourier transform transforms a sequence of `N` complex numbers
+**{xn}** := **x0, x1, x2 ..., xN-1** into another sequence of complex numbers
**{Xk}** := **X0, X1, X2 ..., XN-1** which is defined by
+![alt text](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/1af0a78dc50bbf118ab6bd4c4dcc3c4ff8502223)
+## References
+- [Wikipedia, DFT](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Discrete_Fourier_transform)
+- [Wikipedia, FFT](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Fast_Fourier_transform)
diff --git a/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/__test__/fastFourierTransform.test.js b/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/__test__/fastFourierTransform.test.js
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+++ b/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/__test__/fastFourierTransform.test.js
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+import ComplexNumber from '../complex';
+import fastFourierTransform from '../fastFourierTransform';
+ * @param {ComplexNumber[]} [seq1]
+ * @param {ComplexNumber[]} [seq2]
+ * @param {Number} [eps]
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+function approximatelyEqual(seq1, seq2, eps) {
+ if (seq1.length !== seq2.length) { return false; }
+ for (let i = 0; i < seq1.length; i += 1) {
+ if (Math.abs(seq1[i].real - seq2[i].real) > eps) { return false; }
+ if (Math.abs(seq1[i].complex - seq2[i].complex) > eps) { return false; }
+ }
+ return true;
+describe('fastFourierTransform', () => {
+ it('should calculate the radix-2 discrete fourier transform after zero padding', () => {
+ const eps = 1e-6;
+ const in1 = [new ComplexNumber(0, 0)];
+ const expOut1 = [new ComplexNumber(0, 0)];
+ const out1 = fastFourierTransform(in1);
+ const invOut1 = fastFourierTransform(out1, true);
+ expect(approximatelyEqual(expOut1, out1, eps)).toBe(true);
+ expect(approximatelyEqual(in1, invOut1, eps)).toBe(true);
+ const in2 = [new ComplexNumber(1, 2), new ComplexNumber(2, 3),
+ new ComplexNumber(8, 4)];
+ const expOut2 = [new ComplexNumber(11, 9), new ComplexNumber(-10, 0),
+ new ComplexNumber(7, 3), new ComplexNumber(-4, -4)];
+ const out2 = fastFourierTransform(in2);
+ const invOut2 = fastFourierTransform(out2, true);
+ expect(approximatelyEqual(expOut2, out2, eps)).toBe(true);
+ expect(approximatelyEqual(in2, invOut2, eps)).toBe(true);
+ const in3 = [new ComplexNumber(-83656.9359385182, 98724.08038374918),
+ new ComplexNumber(-47537.415125808424, 88441.58381765135),
+ new ComplexNumber(-24849.657029355192, -72621.79007878687),
+ new ComplexNumber(31451.27290052717, -21113.301128347346),
+ new ComplexNumber(13973.90836288876, -73378.36721594246),
+ new ComplexNumber(14981.520420492234, 63279.524958963884),
+ new ComplexNumber(-9892.575367044381, -81748.44671677813),
+ new ComplexNumber(-35933.00356823792, -46153.47157161784),
+ new ComplexNumber(-22425.008561855735, -86284.24507370662),
+ new ComplexNumber(-39327.43830818355, 30611.949874562706)];
+ const expOut3 = [new ComplexNumber(-203215.3322151, -100242.4827503),
+ new ComplexNumber(99217.0805705, 270646.9331932),
+ new ComplexNumber(-305990.9040412, 68224.8435751),
+ new ComplexNumber(-14135.7758282, 199223.9878095),
+ new ComplexNumber(-306965.6350922, 26030.1025439),
+ new ComplexNumber(-76477.6755206, 40781.9078990),
+ new ComplexNumber(-48409.3099088, 54674.7959662),
+ new ComplexNumber(-329683.0131713, 164287.7995937),
+ new ComplexNumber(-50485.2048527, -330375.0546527),
+ new ComplexNumber(122235.7738708, 91091.6398019),
+ new ComplexNumber(47625.8850387, 73497.3981523),
+ new ComplexNumber(-15619.8231136, 80804.8685410),
+ new ComplexNumber(192234.0276101, 160833.3072355),
+ new ComplexNumber(-96389.4195635, 393408.4543872),
+ new ComplexNumber(-173449.0825417, 146875.7724104),
+ new ComplexNumber(-179002.5662573, 239821.0124341)];
+ const out3 = fastFourierTransform(in3);
+ const invOut3 = fastFourierTransform(out3, true);
+ expect(approximatelyEqual(expOut3, out3, eps)).toBe(true);
+ expect(approximatelyEqual(in3, invOut3, eps)).toBe(true);
+ });
diff --git a/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/complex.js b/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/complex.js
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+++ b/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/complex.js
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+export default class ComplexNumber {
+ /**
+ * @param {Number} [real]
+ * @param {Number} [imaginary]
+ */
+ constructor(real, imaginary) {
+ this.real = real;
+ this.imaginary = imaginary;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {ComplexNumber} [addend]
+ * @return {ComplexNumber}
+ */
+ add(addend) {
+ return new ComplexNumber(this.real + addend.real, this.imaginary + addend.imaginary);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {ComplexNumber} [subtrahend]
+ * @return {ComplexNumber}
+ */
+ subtract(subtrahend) {
+ return new ComplexNumber(this.real - subtrahend.real, this.imaginary - subtrahend.imaginary);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {ComplexNumber} [multiplicand]
+ * @return {ComplexNumber}
+ */
+ multiply(multiplicand) {
+ const real = this.real * multiplicand.real - this.imaginary * multiplicand.imaginary;
+ const imaginary = this.real * multiplicand.imaginary + this.imaginary * multiplicand.real;
+ return new ComplexNumber(real, imaginary);
+ }
diff --git a/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/fastFourierTransform.js b/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/fastFourierTransform.js
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+++ b/src/algorithms/math/fast-fourier-transform/fastFourierTransform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import ComplexNumber from './complex';
+ * Return the no of bits used in the binary representation of input
+ * @param {Number} [input]
+ * @return {Number}
+ */
+function bitLength(input) {
+ let bitlen = 0;
+ while ((1 << bitlen) <= input) {
+ bitlen += 1;
+ }
+ return bitlen;
+ * Returns the number which is the flipped binary representation of input
+ * @param {Number} [input]
+ * @param {Number} [bitlen]
+ * @return {Number}
+ */
+function reverseBits(input, bitlen) {
+ let reversedBits = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < bitlen; i += 1) {
+ reversedBits *= 2;
+ if (Math.floor(input / (1 << i)) % 2 === 1) { reversedBits += 1; }
+ }
+ return reversedBits;
+ * Returns the radix-2 fast fourier transform of the given array
+ * Optionally computes the radix-2 inverse fast fourier transform
+ * @param {ComplexNumber[]} [inputData]
+ * @param {Boolean} [inverse]
+ * @return {ComplexNumber[]}
+ */
+export default function fastFourierTransform(inputData, inverse = false) {
+ const bitlen = bitLength(inputData.length - 1);
+ const N = 1 << bitlen;
+ while (inputData.length < N) { inputData.push(new ComplexNumber(0, 0)); }
+ const output = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < N; i += 1) { output[i] = inputData[reverseBits(i, bitlen)]; }
+ for (let blockLength = 2; blockLength <= N; blockLength *= 2) {
+ let phaseStep;
+ if (inverse) {
+ phaseStep = new ComplexNumber(Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / blockLength),
+ -1 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / blockLength));
+ } else {
+ phaseStep = new ComplexNumber(Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / blockLength),
+ Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / blockLength));
+ }
+ for (let blockStart = 0; blockStart < N; blockStart += blockLength) {
+ let phase = new ComplexNumber(1, 0);
+ for (let idx = blockStart; idx < blockStart + blockLength / 2; idx += 1) {
+ const upd1 = output[idx].add(output[idx + blockLength / 2].multiply(phase));
+ const upd2 = output[idx].subtract(output[idx + blockLength / 2].multiply(phase));
+ output[idx] = upd1;
+ output[idx + blockLength / 2] = upd2;
+ phase = phase.multiply(phaseStep);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (inverse) {
+ for (let idx = 0; idx < N; idx += 1) {
+ output[idx] /= N;
+ }
+ }
+ return output;