diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2c12f227..099ea2a3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ a set of rules that precisely define a sequence of operations.
* `A` [Hamiltonian Cycle](src/algorithms/graph/hamiltonian-cycle) - Visit every vertex exactly once
* `A` [Strongly Connected Components](src/algorithms/graph/strongly-connected-components) - Kosaraju's algorithm
* `A` [Travelling Salesman Problem](src/algorithms/graph/travelling-salesman) - shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city
+* **Cryptography**
+ * `B` [Polynomial Hash](src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash) - rolling hash function based on polynomial
* **Uncategorized**
* `B` [Tower of Hanoi](src/algorithms/uncategorized/hanoi-tower)
* `B` [Square Matrix Rotation](src/algorithms/uncategorized/square-matrix-rotation) - in-place algorithm
diff --git a/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/PolynomialHash.js b/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/PolynomialHash.js
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index 00000000..896a3a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/PolynomialHash.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+const DEFAULT_PRIME = 37;
+export default class PolynomialHash {
+ /**
+ * @param {number} [prime] - A prime number used to create the hash representation of a word.
+ */
+ constructor(prime = DEFAULT_PRIME) {
+ this.prime = prime;
+ this.primeModulus = 101;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function that creates hash representation of the word.
+ *
+ * Time complexity: O(word.length).
+ *
+ * @param {string} word - String that needs to be hashed.
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ hash(word) {
+ let hash = 0;
+ for (let charIndex = 0; charIndex < word.length; charIndex += 1) {
+ hash += word.charCodeAt(charIndex) * (this.prime ** charIndex);
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function that creates hash representation of the word
+ * based on previous word (shifted by one character left) hash value.
+ *
+ * Recalculates the hash representation of a word so that it isn't
+ * necessary to traverse the whole word again.
+ *
+ * Time complexity: O(1).
+ *
+ * @param {number} prevHash
+ * @param {string} prevWord
+ * @param {string} newWord
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+ roll(prevHash, prevWord, newWord) {
+ const newWordLastIndex = newWord.length - 1;
+ let hash = prevHash - prevWord.charCodeAt(0);
+ hash /= this.prime;
+ hash += newWord.charCodeAt(newWordLastIndex) * (this.prime ** newWordLastIndex);
+ return hash;
+ }
diff --git a/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/README.md b/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/README.md
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+# Polynomial Rolling Hash
+## Hash Function
+**Hash functions** are used to map large data sets of elements of an arbitrary
+length (*the keys*) to smaller data sets of elements of a fixed length
+(*the fingerprints*).
+The basic application of hashing is efficient testing of equality of keys by
+comparing their fingerprints.
+A *collision* happens when two different keys have the same fingerprint. The way
+in which collisions are handled is crucial in most applications of hashing.
+Hashing is particularly useful in construction of efficient practical algorithms.
+## Rolling Hash
+A **rolling hash** (also known as recursive hashing or rolling checksum) is a hash
+function where the input is hashed in a window that moves through the input.
+A few hash functions allow a rolling hash to be computed very quickly — the new
+hash value is rapidly calculated given only the following data:
+- old hash value,
+- the old value removed from the window,
+- and the new value added to the window.
+## Polynomial String Hashing
+An ideal hash function for strings should obviously depend both on the *multiset* of
+the symbols present in the key and on the *order* of the symbols. The most common
+family of such hash functions treats the symbols of a string as coefficients of
+a *polynomial* with an integer variable `p` and computes its value modulo an
+integer constant `M`:
+The *Rabin–Karp string search algorithm* is often explained using a very simple
+rolling hash function that only uses multiplications and
+additions - **polynomial rolling hash**:
+> H(s0, s1, ..., sk) = (s0 * p0 + s1 * p1 + ... + sk * pk) mod M
+where `p` is a constant, and *(s1, ... , sk)* are the input
+A careful choice of the parameters `M`, `p` is important to obtain “good”
+properties of the hash function, i.e., low collision rate.
+In order to avoid manipulating huge `H` values, all math is done modulo `M`.
+Removing and adding characters simply involves adding or subtracting the first or
+last term. Shifting all characters by one position to the right requires multiplying
+the entire sum `H` by `a`. Shifting all characters by one position to the left
+requires dividing the entire sum `H` by `a`.
+## References
+- [Where to Use Polynomial String Hashing](https://www.mii.lt/olympiads_in_informatics/pdf/INFOL119.pdf)
+- [Hash Function on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function)
+- [Rolling Hash on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_hash)
diff --git a/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/__test__/PolynomialHash.test.js b/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/__test__/PolynomialHash.test.js
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/algorithms/cryptography/polynomial-hash/__test__/PolynomialHash.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import PolynomialHash from '../PolynomialHash';
+describe('PolynomialHash', () => {
+ it('should calculate new hash based on previous one', () => {
+ // const primes = [3, 79, 101, 3251, 13229, 122743, 3583213];
+ // const frameSizes = [5, 20];
+ const primes = [3];
+ const frameSizes = [20];
+ const text = 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and '
+ + 'typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry\'s standard '
+ + 'galley of type and \u{ffff} scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It '
+ + 'electronic 耀 typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was '
+ + 'popularised in the \u{20005} \u{20000}1960s with the release of Letraset sheets '
+ + 'publishing software like Aldus PageMaker 耀 including versions of Lorem.';
+ // Check hashing for different prime base.
+ primes.forEach((prime) => {
+ const polynomialHash = new PolynomialHash(prime);
+ // Check hashing for different word lengths.
+ frameSizes.forEach((frameSize) => {
+ let previousWord = text.substr(0, frameSize);
+ let previousHash = polynomialHash.hash(previousWord);
+ // Shift frame through the whole text.
+ for (let frameShift = 1; frameShift < (text.length - frameSize); frameShift += 1) {
+ const currentWord = text.substr(frameShift, frameSize);
+ const currentHash = polynomialHash.hash(currentWord);
+ const currentRollingHash = polynomialHash.roll(previousHash, previousWord, currentWord);
+ // Check that rolling hash is the same as directly calculated hash.
+ expect(currentRollingHash).toBe(currentHash);
+ previousWord = currentWord;
+ previousHash = currentHash;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // it('should calculate new hash based on previous one', () => {
+ // const polynomialHash = new PolynomialHash();
+ //
+ // const wordLength = 3;
+ // const string = 'Hello World!';
+ //
+ // const word1 = string.substr(0, wordLength);
+ // const word2 = string.substr(1, wordLength);
+ // const word3 = string.substr(2, wordLength);
+ // const word4 = string.substr(3, wordLength);
+ //
+ // const directHash1 = polynomialHash.hash(word1);
+ // const directHash2 = polynomialHash.hash(word2);
+ // const directHash3 = polynomialHash.hash(word3);
+ // const directHash4 = polynomialHash.hash(word4);
+ //
+ // const rollingHash2 = polynomialHash.roll(directHash1, word1, word2);
+ // const rollingHash3 = polynomialHash.roll(directHash2, word2, word3);
+ // const rollingHash4 = polynomialHash.roll(directHash3, word3, word4);
+ //
+ // expect(directHash1).toBe(151661);
+ // expect(directHash2).toBe(151949);
+ // expect(directHash3).toBe(156063);
+ // expect(directHash4).toBe(48023);
+ //
+ // expect(rollingHash2).toBe(directHash2);
+ // expect(rollingHash3).toBe(directHash3);
+ // expect(rollingHash4).toBe(directHash4);
+ // });
+ //
+ // it('should calculate new hash based on previous one with 3 as a primeModulus', () => {
+ // const PRIME = 3;
+ // const polynomialHash = new PolynomialHash(PRIME);
+ //
+ // const wordLength = 3;
+ // const string = 'Hello World!';
+ //
+ // const word1 = string.substr(0, wordLength);
+ // const word2 = string.substr(1, wordLength);
+ // const word3 = string.substr(2, wordLength);
+ // const word4 = string.substr(3, wordLength);
+ //
+ // const directHash1 = polynomialHash.hash(word1);
+ // const directHash2 = polynomialHash.hash(word2);
+ // const directHash3 = polynomialHash.hash(word3);
+ // const directHash4 = polynomialHash.hash(word4);
+ //
+ // const rollingHash2 = polynomialHash.roll(directHash1, word1, word2);
+ // const rollingHash3 = polynomialHash.roll(directHash2, word2, word3);
+ // const rollingHash4 = polynomialHash.roll(directHash3, word3, word4);
+ //
+ // expect(directHash1).toBe(1347);
+ // expect(directHash2).toBe(1397);
+ // expect(directHash3).toBe(1431);
+ // expect(directHash4).toBe(729);
+ //
+ // expect(rollingHash2).toBe(directHash2);
+ // expect(rollingHash3).toBe(directHash3);
+ // expect(rollingHash4).toBe(directHash4);
+ // });