Go to file
2018-04-26 15:49:52 +03:00
assets Add quick sort. 2018-04-15 06:51:47 +03:00
src Add longest increasing subsequence. 2018-04-26 15:49:52 +03:00
.babelrc Add jest tests. 2018-03-27 13:03:44 +03:00
.editorconfig Add linked_list. 2018-03-25 23:28:32 +03:00
.eslintrc Add graph. 2018-04-10 11:42:32 +03:00
.gitignore More tests. 2018-04-04 07:02:56 +03:00
.travis.yml Integrate codecov. 2018-04-04 07:15:22 +03:00
jest.config.js Make test coverage to be optional. 2018-04-05 06:27:06 +03:00
LICENSE Add License. 2018-04-11 08:06:39 +03:00
package-lock.json Integrate codecov. 2018-04-04 07:15:22 +03:00
package.json Add AVL Tree. 2018-04-06 09:34:36 +03:00
README.md Add longest increasing subsequence. 2018-04-26 15:49:52 +03:00

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

Build Status codecov

Data Structures

  1. Linked List
  2. Queue
  3. Stack
  4. Hash Table
  5. Heap
  6. Priority Queue
  7. Trie
  8. Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • AVL Tree
    • B-Tree
    • 2-3 Tree
    • Red-Black Tree
    • Suffix Tree
    • Segment Tree or Interval Tree
    • Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree
  9. Graph


Algorithms by Topic

Algorithms by Paradigm

Running Tests

Run all tests

npm test

Run tests by name

npm test -- -t 'LinkedList'


You may play with data-structures and algorithms in ./src/playground/playground.js file and write tests for it in ./src/playground/__test__/playground.test.js.

Then just simply run the following command to test if your playground code works as expected:

npm test -- -t 'playground'

▶ Data Structures and Algorithms on YouTube

Useful Information

Big O Notation

Order of growth of algorithms specified in Big O notation.

Big O graphs

Source: Big O Cheat Sheet.

Below is the list of some of the most used Big O notations and their performance comparisons against different sizes of the input data.

Big O Notation Computations for 10 elements Computations for 100 elements Computations for 1000 elements
O(1) 1 1 1
O(log N) 3 6 9
O(N) 10 100 1000
O(N log N) 30 60 9000
O(N^2) 100 10000 1000000
O(2^N) 1024 1.26e+29 1.07e+301
O(N!) 3628800 9.3e+157 4.02e+2567

Data Structure Operations Complexity

Data Structure Access Search Insertion Deletion
Array 1 n n n
Stack n n 1 1
Queue n n 1 1
Linked List n n 1 1
Hash Table - n n n
Binary Search Tree n n n n
B-Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)
Red-Black Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)
AVL Tree log(n) log(n) log(n) log(n)

Array Sorting Algorithms Complexity

Name Best Average Worst Memory Stable
Bubble sort n n^2 n^2 1 Yes
Insertion sort n n^2 n^2 1 Yes
Selection sort n^2 n^2 n^2 1 No
Heap sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) 1 No
Merge sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) n Yes
Quick sort n log(n) n log(n) n^2 log(n) No
Shell sort n log(n) depends on gap sequence n (log(n))^2 1 No