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JavaScript 演算法與資料結構
這個知識庫包含許多 JavaScript 的資料結構與演算法的基礎範例。 每個演算法和資料結構都有其個別的文件,內有相關的解釋以及更多相關的文章或Youtube影片連結。
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- Linked List 鏈結串列
- Queue 貯列
- Stack 堆疊
- Hash Table 雜湊表
- Heap 堆
- Priority Queue 優先貯列
- Trie 字典樹
- Tree 樹
- Binary Search Tree 二元搜尋樹
- AVL Tree AVL樹
- Red-Black Tree
- Suffix Tree
- Segment Tree or Interval Tree
- Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree
- Graph 圖 (both directed and undirected)
- Disjoint Set 互斥集
演算法議題分類 TODO
- 數學類
- Factorial
- Fibonacci Number
- Primality Test (trial division method)
- Euclidean Algorithm - calculate the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
- Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Integer Partition
- 集合
- Cartesian Product - product of multiple sets
- Power Set - all subsets of the set
- Permutations (with and without repetitions)
- Combinations (with and without repetitions)
- Fisher–Yates Shuffle - random permutation of a finite sequence
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
- Longest Increasing subsequence
- Shortest Common Supersequence (SCS)
- Knapsack Problem - "0/1" and "Unbound" ones
- Maximum Subarray - "Brute Force" and "Dynamic Programming" (Kadane's) versions
- 字串
- Levenshtein Distance - minimum edit distance between two sequences
- Hamming Distance - number of positions at which the symbols are different
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt Algorithm - substring search
- Rabin Karp Algorithm - substring search
- Longest Common Substring
- 搜尋
- 排序
- 樹
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- 圖
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- Dijkstra Algorithm - finding shortest path to all graph vertices
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm - finding shortest path to all graph vertices
- Detect Cycle - for both directed and undirected graphs (DFS and Disjoint Set based versions)
- Prim’s Algorithm - finding Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for weighted undirected graph
- Kruskal’s Algorithm - finding Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for weighted undirected graph
- Topological Sorting - DFS method
- Articulation Points - Tarjan's algorithm (DFS based)
- Bridges - DFS based algorithm
- Eulerian Path and Eulerian Circuit - Fleury's algorithm - Visit every edge exactly once
- Hamiltonian Cycle - Visit every vertex exactly once
- Strongly Connected Components - Kosaraju's algorithm
- Travelling Salesman Problem - shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city
- 未分類
Algorithms by Paradigm
An algorithmic paradigm is a generic method or approach which underlies the design of a class of algorithms. It is an abstraction higher than the notion of an algorithm, just as an algorithm is an abstraction higher than a computer program.
- Brute Force - look at all the possibilities and selects the best solution
- Maximum Subarray
- Travelling Salesman Problem - shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city
- Greedy - choose the best option at the current time, without any consideration for the future
- Unbound Knapsack Problem
- Dijkstra Algorithm - finding shortest path to all graph vertices
- Prim’s Algorithm - finding Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for weighted undirected graph
- Kruskal’s Algorithm - finding Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for weighted undirected graph
- Divide and Conquer - divide the problem into smaller parts and then solve those parts
- Binary Search
- Tower of Hanoi
- Euclidean Algorithm - calculate the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
- Permutations (with and without repetitions)
- Combinations (with and without repetitions)
- Merge Sort
- Quicksort
- Tree Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Graph Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Dynamic Programming - build up to a solution using previously found sub-solutions
- Fibonacci Number
- Levenshtein Distance - minimum edit distance between two sequences
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
- Longest Common Substring
- Longest Increasing subsequence
- Shortest Common Supersequence
- 0/1 Knapsack Problem
- Integer Partition
- Maximum Subarray
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm - finding shortest path to all graph vertices
- Backtracking - similarly to brute force try to generate all possible solutions but each time you generate a solution test
if it satisfies all conditions, and only then continue generating subsequent solutions. Otherwise backtrack and go on a
different path of finding solution
- Hamiltonian Cycle - Visit every vertex exactly once
- N-Queens Problem
- Knight's Tour
- Branch & Bound
npm install
npm test
npm test -- -t 'LinkedList'
You may play with data-structures and algorithms in ./src/playground/playground.js
file and write
tests for it in ./src/playground/__test__/playground.test.js
Then just simply run the following command to test if your playground code works as expected:
npm test -- -t 'playground'
▶ Data Structures and Algorithms on YouTube
大 O 標記
Order of growth of algorithms specified in Big O notation.
資料來源: Big O Cheat Sheet.
Below is the list of some of the most used Big O notations and their performance comparisons against different sizes of the input data.
Big O Notation | Computations for 10 elements | Computations for 100 elements | Computations for 1000 elements |
O(1) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
O(log N) | 3 | 6 | 9 |
O(N) | 10 | 100 | 1000 |
O(N log N) | 30 | 600 | 9000 |
O(N^2) | 100 | 10000 | 1000000 |
O(2^N) | 1024 | 1.26e+29 | 1.07e+301 |
O(N!) | 3628800 | 9.3e+157 | 4.02e+2567 |
Data Structure Operations Complexity
Data Structure | Access | Search | Insertion | Deletion |
Array | 1 | n | n | n |
Stack | n | n | 1 | 1 |
Queue | n | n | 1 | 1 |
Linked List | n | n | 1 | 1 |
Hash Table | - | n | n | n |
Binary Search Tree | n | n | n | n |
B-Tree | log(n) | log(n) | log(n) | log(n) |
Red-Black Tree | log(n) | log(n) | log(n) | log(n) |
AVL Tree | log(n) | log(n) | log(n) | log(n) |
Array Sorting Algorithms Complexity
Name | Best | Average | Worst | Memory | Stable |
Bubble sort | n | n^2 | n^2 | 1 | Yes |
Insertion sort | n | n^2 | n^2 | 1 | Yes |
Selection sort | n^2 | n^2 | n^2 | 1 | No |
Heap sort | n log(n) | n log(n) | n log(n) | 1 | No |
Merge sort | n log(n) | n log(n) | n log(n) | n | Yes |
Quick sort | n log(n) | n log(n) | n^2 | log(n) | No |
Shell sort | n log(n) | depends on gap sequence | n (log(n))^2 | 1 | No |